Winners have been chosen! This giveaway is closed.
OK ladies are you ready for this!?
It's called a bandanna dress and Lucy looks so dang cute in it!
It's here, for you, just in time for Spring!
What, you don't believe me that it takes only 15 minutes!!??
OK ladies are you ready for this!?
It's called a bandanna dress and Lucy looks so dang cute in it!
It's here, for you, just in time for Spring!
What, you don't believe me that it takes only 15 minutes!!??
Fine I'll show's how you do it:
Go down and get yourself 2 bandannas and a spool of ribbon.
I got all of this at Joanns.
I got all of this at Joanns.

So I measured down on mine 6 + 1 1/2 = 7 1/2.
Place two pins at that measurement.
This is a good way to mark where you will stop sewing.
(This will make the armholes of the dress.)

Now do the exact same to the right side of the dress.

(This is going to be the casing for your ribbon. There will be one on each side.)

Your little one can wear this as a dress when she is little and a shirt as she grows!

Win it! Leave a comment to let me know you are in. Trey and Lucy will pick a winner sometime this week.
How can you say no to 15 minutes?! You have to give this one a try!
here are some that i am debating on putting in my etsy shop. they turned out great and were so much fun to make.

1 – 200 of 289 Newer› Newest»Love them all!
They're so cute. I love the pink with green ribbon. Pink and green are a combination you can't go wrong with.
So cute! I love all the color combinations!
Love em all! If only I had a sewing machine.
Those are sew cute! :) I would love to win one. I just adore the pink and green combo (my fav colors) but the zebra ribbon is adorable as well!
*Now I just need a new sewing machine*
I don't know how you come up with this stuff but I am totally in. I have a project for you I'll have to send you. I saw it online and it was totally cute and totally easy and I thought of you...
So cute, thanks for sharing
Wow, I might have to get out my sewing machine and try this one, but winning would certainly be easier :)
cute! I love your tutorials!
What a cute project! Thanks for sharing!
I'm in! Fast, easy and cute! I love it!
LOVE this!!! SO Cute! I look forward to all your tutorials!!
Once again you impress me. Those are adorable. I love them.
I'm in!! And if I don't win I'm goona try one out myself!
Those are great!!! Now to get some bandanas and ribbon!
holy crap tanya. . .I still love those. . . maybe even more than the first time I saw them, which I didn't believe possible :) you rule, girl!
Can I get one in a size 10? That's a grown-up size 10.
These are darling! I stumbled on your blog through Brian and Abby Roberts (I was on the drill team with Abby in high school) and am trying very hard to encourage the crafty side in me. I have loved your posts and have already tried the tutus for my nieces (they loved them!) and my own spin on your Valentine's kissing jars for my husband. Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love them! I cannot sew but I might be able to pull that one off (or I'll get my mom to do it!). Thanks for the great idea!!!
i've seen these and they are sooo cute! and i would say yes to 15 minutes any day!! love the pink and zebra . .they are a must for your shop! love lucy's expression (or lack of) in the first pic! cutie! p.s. totally voted for margo! sounds like a rad joB!
Those dresses/ shirts are great! I will try that idea for sure. Did you think about altering the neck line to be a scoop? That might turn it into an 18 minute dress, which isn't quite so catchy...
I love them all. Too bad they don't make adult size bandannas or I could have one too!
I just came across your blog! These are so cute. My little girl, Gracie has to have one of these for summer!
You are amazing! The dress is sooo adorable and so is Lucy!
This is fabulous! I don't have anyone to put in it if I won, but I do want to say that I'll be linking!
LOVE it. I can't believe how cute they are in different colors too!
Love them! I'm glad I caught your drawing before it was too late. Count us in! Hey, you should make matching boy/girl tie and dresses with this and your tie design. That would be way cute! Love ya tons!
I would love to win this because I think it would be unbelievably cute on my daughter and because I don't own a sewing machine :(
Love the dark one with the pink ribbon. This would look darling with jeans as well or capris.
Please, please, please Trey. I love this dress!!!Tanya you are awesome! Tanya you would be so proud, I got a sewing machine for my birthday and I am making my first skirt!
They are all so cute! Love em'! Great idea!
tanya you are amazing. truely. I love them. more important sadie would love them What a fun idea!
Fun Fun Fun Fun! And supa cute! I totally believe it can be made in 15 mins cause I just whipped up a bandana skirt - never thought of a dress though.
Dude. Your awesomeness is out of control.
Those are so cute! I found you via One Pretty Thing, and I would love to feature this project on!
These are adorable...and so stinkin easy!!! ....that's my kind of sewing!!
So cute...I wish I had a little girl to make one for!!
They are all so darn cute!
OMG! HOW TALENTED ARE YOU!! I love them. so stinkin cute!
tanya! I just love your blog. I only have boysies, so I don't need the dress, but it is way too cute.
well my little computer savy crafty friend .. do you know how to add buttons to blogs?? like do i got to layout or settings or add a gadget? most of the instructions for buttons say "just add the code to your blog or website" . .but they don't say how? didn't know if you knew!
What an ADORABLE idea! I just spent the day yesterday with a crafty friend who gave me some lessons on my sewing machine. I so think I could handle this project! Thanks for the tutorial! :)
So cute and of course the model is adorable!
So cute! I can't wait to try it myself :)
I am so going to Joann's tomorrow! I love the zebra print ribbon. Does your head ever stop spinning from the creativity???
K...IN LOVE WID THIS!! I think you picked adorable colors as well!! Pretty please pick ME....with a cherry on top! You are stinkin' creative!! :)
Wow, you have great tutorials! I love the dress! I'm gonna have to try this and/or maybe win one!
Holy crap. I make comment #48!
Love the dresses! Hopefully I will be the winner, but PLEASE put them in your Etsy store just in case. Precious.
My Daughter Piper would look adorable in this dress! Thanks for the tut!
Love that black one! I'll have to go find your shop and hope you list them as I am sewing machine challenged!
They are ALL cute! I LOVE the pink with the tiger print ribbon. Thank you for your time and sharing with us! Would love to win one for my little daughter!!
what size do the come out? Looks about a 2/3? Love the hotpink/zebra. Think I am going to try this. Maybe with a little ruffle on the bottom to make it big enough for a dress on my 4t! Thanks!
Sweet! My little girly would look so fab in one of these!!! :)
I love these so much. I will have to send you a picture of my niece wearing a hot pink one with her cowboy boots and a cowboy hat its so dang cute. I need to have kids so that I can make them all this great stuff.
those are adorable! i am definitely going to bookmark this into my "to-do" folder. I love the pink/green combo.
i love it! i really hope i win this one!!!
Wow! Thank you for such a neat idea. Your daughter looks absolutely georgeous in her dress. Keep up the good work.
I just found your blog! Why have I not been here before!! I so love it. That bandana dress is so fun.
Woman, how easy you make us to see it!! I do not have girls, only two boys, but I will make one for me, jajaja I do not have a machine either but I will do it by hand. I am bolivian, sorry my English jijijiji
I am going to have to make this for my daughter!!!
Love, love, love it! I especially like the last one with the Zebra ribbon.
That is so cool!! I have two best friends with little girls and they'd both look adorable in them!
These are so cute! I love all your 'tutes! Thanks for sharing. my daughter will have one of these for the summer!
This is so fun and easy! Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea!
Love em all! I would love to win any of them...if I don't would love to see them in your etsy shop.
Love these! In just a little extra time you can make them out of any cotton fabric you choose! I LOVE making them but I've never done it w/ a bandana!
That is just so cool.
I have to give it a go.
Never realised bandana's are big enough to turn into a top. Wouldn't mind the black one tho ;-)
I should be able to find 15 minutes to make such a cute dress! But winning one would be even easier!
what a groovy idea! I can totally make this, if I don't win of course!
oh i love love the hot pink and zebra one and the light pink and green, what a great idea!
oh my word, that is just adorable!
You should totally put them on your etsy site! They are adorable! I stumbled upon your site and wanted you to know how much I LOVE it!!! My daughter loves her tutu!!! Thanks!
Love the dress! Thanks so much for the tut! I'm another linker chiming in to say I'll be including your creation on my blog. Thanks!
Too cute and simple, oh my gosh! Have a great day. I am off to Mikes to buy the supplies to make these for my girls. LOVE IT!!
I love anything made with bandannas. This is absolutely adorable and I loved the suggestion of wearing it as a shirt. This would look cute with blue jeans on an older child. My younger sister sent this to me for my 3 year old. Since I dont know how to sew, I am going to hit my mom up to make these for her granddaughters. Thanks for sharing. God Bless!
Oh my gosh they are all so cute! Thank you for sharing!
Have a lovely day!
What a great idea. I love the all..
So cute and such a great idea!
Soooo cute! Anf the girl in the dress is kinda cute herself!! She looks sooo impressed to be posing for you, I love the look on her face!!!
AHHH...80 people in for the chances are getting slim. Tia was wondering if she could also enter the drawing :) he he! Need to increase our chances!
The lack and white one is great. I might hand to try my hand at this one!
oooh! I love them! I'd love to be entered into the drawing! thanks for the fun idea!
Love them girl! I cannot wait to go make one for my little girl. If I could ask, how old is Lucy? i am just thinking it may be too short on my just 4 year old. No biggy..we will just use leggings under it or use it as a bathing suit cover! Thanks for the tutorial!
Tanya! I don't know where you find the energy to keep going and going and going!! You're always working on something!! I'm asking for a sewing machine for my birthday and this would be a great beginner's project!! Thanks for the idea! :)
They are just great! I love them all!
I've been trying to find how to make pillow case dresses and these are great and even easier! Thanks for the great idea!
87 comments?! this is out of control! this is a really cute one, though. when i first read it, i was like, yeah right...i can't do that. just the numbers freaked me out. then i thought about making one for my sister in law and so i really read it. so easy! i can do this! good job. even though travis doesnt think you can explain things can! i'm gonna try it!
I just made one of these for my seven year old daughter. Hopefully it will work as a cute summer shirt.
This is SO cute, your tutorial is AWESOME. I put a picture of the one I made that day, just had to try it immediately, on my blog with a link to yours so people could see. I hope that's ok. :)
So cute! I am posting a link at!
That is the cutest thing! I know a little girl that would look adorable in those!
Love it! I made on and posted pics today. Thanks so much for the tutorial!
Tanya, you seem to always amaze me by your talent!!! I can't wait to make one for my 2 year old. Thanks for sharing.
adorable! i think the one w/the zebra print ribbon is my favorite.
I gave your bandana dress a try and I LOVE how it turned out! I would love it if you'd check out my handi-work. I posted a pic of it on my blog
Thanks for the tutorial! It's fabulous!
So very cute. I am addicted to making these and you can see what I have done with your tutorial at
LOVE THEM! I don't really know how to sew but I'd like to give these a try. I'm not out too much if I mess up so that's great. And if I can do it - my daughter will have a cute dress or shirt!!!
Great tutorial! Just what I was looking for. I made a dress for my daughter on Saturday out of some jersey scraps...and forgot to leave armholes. Oops! This tute will help a lot. ;-) (That's what I get for jumping into a project after just seeing the dress on the street!)
Just got through making some today!! What a perfect tutorial! You made it so easy and fun! You can see mine at
Thanks for the great tutorial!!!
oh, i love it. So cute and easy, what a great tutorial.
alright, I just bought my bandannas and plan to make this tonight!!!
I just made one and it is so cute! Thanks for the instructions! FYI, I got my bandanas at Hobby Lobby and I think they are smaller than yours from Joanns.
I love all of the dresses!!! Really the zebra, very cute!!! Also your daughter looks really cute in the dress!!! Your very creative!!! Thanks for sharing!
Ok, Tanya, I just finally got around to making this. I have only had the fabric for what almost a year! Thanks for posting the tutorial. Would you mind if I posted this sinple creation to my blog, with a link to yours?
THAT is too adorable! we have a program called dress a girl around the world and make dresses for girls out of pillowcases. I think we will add this dress to our creations. Thank you for such a CUTE idea!
Found this via Nannygoat! Sooo cute! I'll be linking today! Thanks for sharing!
Just wanted to let you know that we've linked to this (using a photo) on today for our clothing refashion roundup... thanks for sharing this great idea!
(and nice to find your blog!)
Can you do this for an adult>>??
I used your tutorial to make a dress and it turned out so cute! I wrote about it on my blog and linked your tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing.
thanks for the perfect tutorial. I've stayed busy this week making some.
thanks for the tutorial! i've made three and I gave you a shout out for the awesome directions!
i love all of them.
SO cute! Love your blog.
Thumbs Up! Would love to see a video tutorial on these :D xoxo
Alright! I made one and it really is the easiest thing. I'm not the best sewer but got out my trusty machine and my dollar store bandanas and went to town. Thank you for the great idea. I'm seeing little sack dress inspiration everywhere I look now!
Love, love, love it ;) thanks for sharing
I am so new to this whole blog thing but am finding so many amazing ideas! LOVE THIS!!!!!!
found some great star bandanas at walmart!! They are gonna make such cute dresses! thanks for the idea!
I would like to read few more post from you.
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My niece & her husband are adopting a little girl from Ethiopia. I want to send an extra bag with them filled with dresses for the little girls in the orphanage! I have been looking for instructions! Thank you, thank you!!
I LOVE IT! I am a kindergarten teacher and saw a bandana dress on one of my kiddos last week! I immediately wished I knew how to sew and had the time to make one for my daughter who is 4 between all of the things I bring home to work on every night! I am keeping my fingers crossed that next summer I will have time to learn how to sew and whip some out for my little diva!
Thank you thank you thank you! This is such great tutorial! I linked you on my blog.
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what a groovy idea! I can totally make this.
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I just love this and used it to make tunic length shirts for my granddaughters. I couldn't find bandanas I liked so I used fat quarters and hemmed the edges. I am linking your tutorial in the blog post where I talk about them. Thanks!
So cute.Nice dress pattern I love all collection of dresses..
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These are so cute... I am totally going to try it... maybe I will even cut some bandana sized pieces of fabric and use the sam method to make a little dress that way!
so cute. Definitely going to give it a try!
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I love this. I totally just made one tonight and it took me three minutes! I just wanted to let you know that I did a post about it and mentioned your blog and for my followers to check out your tutorial:
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now i really need a sewing machine!!! <3 this!!
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wonderful Tutorial... I sew for Dress A Girl Around the World and this will make a cute alternative dress!!
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LOVE THIS IDEA.. I want to try to make them for my nieces.
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Great dress for summer I can you have done a great job.
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so love this idea and the simplicity of making something our kids or grandkids can where. stylish, easy and cotton! love, love it!
I've never actually used a sewing machine but you made this look reasonably doable (with some help of course!) I have 4 baby shower coming up (3 are girls) these would be such a great gift idea!! Thanks for sharing....I'll let you know how they turn out" (oh...obviously I would love to win one!)
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Beautiful! I don't sew, but I might be able to pull this off for my little girls!
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Used your idea and another I saw on etsy... check it out on my blog
Thanks! Carrie
I was wondering how you would wash this. The bandanas are usually hand wash only. Not exactly something I want to add to my laundry list everytime she wears this.
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