Thursday, July 08, 2010

what do you get when my husband's brothers come to town....

axe throwing...

fish catching...

salamander hunting...

chipmunk trap setting...

and catching...

polar bear swimming...

needing to be rescued...

what may or may not be a tennis ball, soaked in lighter fluid, attatched to the end of a rope and lit on fire...

do not try this at home. it takes highly skilled maniacs to pull off a stunt like this...

(photo's taken with shutter set to 30 seconds...thanks peter and justin for helping me with that)

skim boarding...

and cousins reuniting...

i grew up with my husband and his brothers, so i should have known a little about what i was getting into marrying into this family.

can you ever really know though?


Aleksandra Nearing said...

Awesome pictures! Looks like a great time :)

The Oxford Family said...

Looks like a ton of fun! Can I come next time?!?! ;)

A LDS mother to five busy kids said...

What a neat effect with the tennis ball! =-)

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

LOVE this post. Great photos! Don't you just <3 families?

Johnny said...

OK, I can believe that Travis caught fish and a chipmunk. But I am pretty sure that the axe in the tree was staged.

It looks like tons of fun. I only found out years after we were married that Emily actually hates playing in swamp mud and holding alligators.

Tanya said...


It's true about the axe. It did take him about 5 tries though :o)

Roberta said...

the light photo are wonderfull!

RaeAnn said...

That was a great post...had me laughing, and yet I am sitting here, and all I can think about is when you thought there was a "craft table" in your vegas lobby. Love you girlie.

Margethai Adventures: Finding Beauty at Home and Abroad said...

Tanya: Dennis and I just got done reading your fun blog post and think that you did know what you were getting yourself into and WANTED to get in to it because you knew that hanging out with us would be worth it. Love ya! Thanks for the fun times. PS your salsa was awesome and it was gone before we got to RB.

Anonymous said...

Cool pictures. Next time you try that and you want to photograph sparklers (to spell something) set your shutter speed to 'BLUB', your iso to about 100 and your Apeture to about f/8 to f/16.

Sarah said...

Just found your blog... uh, where have I been! :) Thanks for all of the creative inspiration!
-Sarah from Create Studio

Unknown said...

wild men. great picts. i'm just waiting for day when the pictures are from the body's getting any younger!:)

megh said...

ok. so we just moved to oregon and have been looking for a great camping spot. i would really like to know where it was that you guys went - it looks gorgeous! (

kali said...

These pics look adorable! I love the "fire ball" thing -but definitely would be too scared to try that at home!

M Smith said...

Sometimes nerve-wracking, but never a dull moment, right?

Andrews Family said...

Shane and I loved it! How fun! I noticed that Dennis is in the he family yet??? Miss you guys but think about you often!

russandkatie said...

that looks like such a beautiful place, where is it???

Tanya said...


these photos were taken camping in oregon and at the oregon coast.

ERIN said...

Great post, love the pictures, we love catching newts too :)--be thankful there isn't 7 of those boys. The Johnson boys do some crazy stuff together, it's a good thing they ALL don't get together that often.
Travis has some speed, I was impressed watching him play football.

Bessie said...

Can i just say i LOVE this post. I just laughed and laughed as i scrolled down the pictures. Good TImes! Travis looks like he had one heck of a time :)

Jamie said...

Sounds like a weekend filled with antics my husband would do with his brothers. lol.
I agree with everyone else, the do not try this at home stunt was worth it just for those photos! Amazing, photography. What kind of a camera do you have? You always have the best photos. Soft & light diffused.
Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

looks like fun! did you spend the 4th in Cannon Beach?? Isnt Oregon a great place :) I think all your missing is skiing on Mt Hood! lol