It is very important to me that Trey grows up to be polite and respectful to women. My hope is that he can one day be an awesome husband.
Twice a week we pick up a sweet little girl named Mackenzie for preschool. I alway ask Trey if he would please sit in the middle because it works out better for the car seats we have.
He always asks why he has to be the one in middle.
Every time I tell him that he is being a "gentleman" to Mackenzie by letter her sit on the side.
I say "Trey if you are nice to girls, one day you will grow up and find the sweetest, kindest, and prettiest girl to marry.

I'm not so sure.
Um, men often try to disappear when surrounded by women, so maybe this is just part of the whole man thing? (Okay, I'm reaching, but when you're laughing as hard as I am, it is difficult to think clearly!)
That is so funny, I love how you say "I like when you're a gentlemen trey" and he says, I hate it. What a guy. I am sure he will learn to like it soon. Impressive camera work while driving, still wondering how you did that one:-)
Your blog is quickly becoming one of my favorites!!!
oh trey trey . . one day he will love it . . till then . . he's awfully cute when he's mad!
He's reminding me of his uncle here a little bit. haha
ha ha, that's totally cute. I've been trying to teach my Zack he needs to be nice to girls and take care of them... he still hits them... let me know if you find the secret "gentleman" trick
see....as far as we know he could totally be smiling under that hood!!
That was AWSOME!!! I used to tell Colton when he would ask me why he needs to be nice to girls I would say...."Girls are soo special to Heavenly father and he sent you guys here to take care of them to make sure you treat them nice and make sure others treat them nice too, then one day you can be married to a really nice girl" He has decided that not being married is wayyyyy easier!!!! But really, that was sooo cute and we all know that with persistance they all mature into it. HE will one day be the best husband ever and his wife will be thanking you.
Brian was reading this post with me and watching the videos and the first thing he said was "Trey is more and more like his dad all the time!"
It's true. He is a mini Travis.
And he WILL be a wonderful gentleman under your loving tutelage. You are a good mommy.
And I'm still not over your wedding dress story.
hahaha!!!!!I don't even care. . . I'm still hoping he can choose one of mine--I've got a pretty good chance, don't you think? I mean he's gotta find one he likes!! I love how he calls lucy a gentleman, and she's all disgusted about it. funny stuff, lady.
LOVE it. LOVE it. LOVE it. I want to kiss Lucy.
Are you driving and taping at the same time? You know you could get a ticket for that? *wink* wink*
I know his face is covered, but in the first pic with his elbows on his knees he looks just like Travis. And I know I haven't seen Travis in like 4 years or something so I could be totally wrong, but that just seems like a Travis mannerism.
He is cute and so is your little Lucy!
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