I dragged myself out of bed this morning. The kids were still sleeping. "If I hurry I can get nice and ready for the day before they wake-up!" I got up and headed down stairs. I noticed something falling outside the window. "No way....snow!!!!"
How much snow do we have? How long do we have until it melts? Is it deep enough to pull the kids around in the sled?
Then I heard a sweet little voice calling me from upstairs. I hurried ran outside and made her favorite treat.

I took her down stairs and opened the window so she could see the snow falling while she ate it.
The only problem was she didn't have her gloves on so her hands were getting "told."

No problem little Lu. I had a little mommy inspiration and put her snowball on a homemade Popsicle stick.

Yes yes my friends...today is going to be a good day. Now I am off to make some hot chocolate so Trey can have his favorite treat when he wakes-up.
Oh I hear his little footsteps now! I'll hurry.
You are so stinkin' cute! I hope I can be as good of a mom some day as you are to your little ones :)
oh my gosh that's crazy! i heard it was supposed to snow soon....i hurried and looked outside when you said that and no...no snow here. it looks like it tried, though. you are seriously so fun. your kids are so lucky! ps. i had a dream that you invited me to sleep over :)
That is so sweet, you are a great mom. Reading this post made me excited for cold snowy days, and that is unusual in the middle of Frebruary.
p.s. if you guys want snow, we have LOTS here in Boston. You should come visit!! ;)
I keep thinking winter went so fast, and then it gets freezing cold! I liked seeing your backyard@ Next Brookside reunion at your place?
I LOVED that picture of you holding out the lump of snow haha. looks delish :) and you can now have my kids. . .
Wow, you're a great mom! those kids are lucky to have you. You did get quite a bit of snow our there didn't you!!?
If you only could have seen the dirty looks I get (from my spouse, no less) when I try to teach my kids to eat the snow. More power to you.
I so do not have the same feelings about snow as you do.
Tears of "un"joy were streaming down my face as I looked out my window this morning.
Boo to snow.
I wish you were my mom.
Her hair is getting so long. She is a pretty little thing!
I love your excitment for snow, it really warms my heart. We have lots if you wamt to borrow some.....A constant supply of snacking pleasure, we are blessed. I loved your stick idea though, I have never thought of that, my kids would LOVE it!
LOL! I would have to add some kool-aid to it.
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