what you need: clear glass jems, scrapbooking paper, scissors, mod podge, a small sponge paint brush, magnents, & a glue gun.

1. trace gem onto paper and cut it out a tiny bit smaller than you traced it.
2. cover one side of paper with a thin layer of mod podge. Place on the flat side of them gem.
3. cover back side of paper with modge podge to seal. let dry.
4. glue a magnet on the back with a glue gun.

get creative. you could use printed pictures from your computer...or write messages like this one i wrote to travis.
What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing! i was about to pick up some craft magnets at Hobby Lobby yesterday, but I put them down since I didn't know what kind of craft I would use them for yet. haha.
Look at all the time on your hands!:) I love that Trav got into it too. They look really cool.Can't wait to see them in real life!
i knew you could do it! i'm glad you made them...you should take them to the saturday market and run that sweet lady out of town :) ok trey...pick auntie kelly!
Pick MY name Trey! I want the cool magnets! :o)
me. pick me.
Ok you're totally cute. My sisters made these once and I was going to make them at Christmas time for my neighbor/friend gifts. Turned out I didn't get around to figuring out how to do it and I didn't give them anything! Love the idea though!
i totally love making these, I have done some in the past and they turn out super cute, much better then the free construction magnets that we normally have!
Pick me pick me pick me! I was thinking maybe we should have each roomie bring something to give everyone...something just like this. of course the only thing i could think of would be vhs recordings of b.h. 90210.
Wonderful! I've been wanting to make some, but haven't found the larger glass gems... just little ones. I'm going to have to put just a little more effort into this! Yours turned out lovely!
if i leave two comments do i get in the drawing twice?
how about now, did i win now?
If you haven't already done your drawing...count us in! Those are so cute. I've always wanted to make them. Maybe I will now, thanks for the step by step guide! We miss you guys...come back...it was too much fun having you visit!
Too cute. Love this idea. TFS
I just wanted to say thanks for the idea! You can check my little magnet project here!
Tanya, I made a bunch of these this week for Mother's Day gifts. They are so cute and easy! I found a website where they are selling six of them (1 1/2" size) for $24~ can you believe it?
Thanks for all your great ideas!
Very, very, cute and creative. I am going to do these as gifts rigth away.
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