Tanya :o( If anyone would like to challenge this award I will gladly give it up to them. So yesterday I am at Costco with Trey and Lucy. They LOVE it there. We get treats...I let them play with the toys, and then we get another treat on the way out. So it was a beautiful day yesterday. I thought I was being mom of the year by instead of strapping the kids right into their carseats while I unloaded the grocereies I said "who wants to play in the back of the truck while I unload all this yummy food." They were so excited...they love it back there. I thought it was safe the tailgate is high. So I get everything unloaded...the cart return was right next to the car so I put the cart away and as I am walking over to get the kids out of the car I see the sweetest little princess in the world falling headfirst over the tailgate and onto the concrete. I scream, run over to her, hold her tight and there is blood everywhere..out her mouth and nose. (I can hardly even retell this story) The kindest lady runs over and is helping me check little lucy out...I am crying she is telling me it's ok it happens to everyone (yeah right, very sweet of her though). I could see that she was probably ok and there wasn't anything too major; so I put her in the car grab Trey and head to the emergency room. Turned out she is just fine...some bumps and bruises...she hit her head on the safest spot..and she hit her nose as well that was where all the blood was coming from. I will NEVER forgive myself. I have just been grabbing her and holding her tight ever since. I am SO glad she is ok. So above are the pictures at the hospital. She got a popsicle which she loved (so did Trey). She was THE cutest thing you have ever seen in her hospital gown.
we still love you. and loved lucy's hospital gown. it really could happen to any of us...we are so glad she is okay.
glad Lucy's ok, but I think that it will take a lot more than that for you to earn the world's worst mom award. She got a popsicle out of the whole deal so she probably felt like she came out on top! :) I can't wait until you find your cord, by the way. I've missed your blog!
awe that is so sweet to see her in her little gown! she is adorable! trus me - stuff like that DOES happen. like when i babysit my nephews they fall off beds and yes they are babies (i'm not the sharpest crayon in the box!)
Sweet little pea. The other day I was putting my shoes on and I heard the door open- so I finished putting my shoes and I ran outside and found the kids hand in hand running down the sidewalk waaay up the hill and surrounded by a group of people. I'm glad that she's ok- but you are not the worse mom ever. The kids look so cute.
oh, so sad about lucy!! hillsboro is a nice area- i had a friend who lived out there. yep- lets get together!
This is Bob, I think you are an amazing mom. we are exited to go to disney land with your family!
I had Liam in his highchair once while I was making dinner and the doorbell rang. When I got back to the kitchen he had a butcher knife that I left too close and he was waving it around in the air. I caught him like two seconds before it went in his mouth.
Lucy is so sweet, she kind of reminds me of Stooph! What a cute family you have!
oh tanya....such a sad story. that really is the worst thing ever when you see the entire thing in slow motion & it's like you can't get there fast enough. but it is true what that lady said...it really does happen to everyone at sometime or another. she is adorable though and you are NOT the worst mom in the world!! you really are a great mom....it's fun to see your cute family!! :)
TANYAAA!!! ohhh my heart breaks! Sometimes I wonder how my kids are still alive. . . it seriously is part of the biz. Love you!
Tanya, My Mom did the same to me when I was little & it was the best thing that ever happened to me...worked out the kinks -Ryan
Joey once fell out of the grocery cart on her head in wal-mart. She hit hard, and on top of it she once wandered off in Dillards and was missing for almost an hour. How is that for bad parenting. Cute pictures, kids are tough they can handle more than we think. Miss you guys tons. Lucy is getting so BIG.
I know this is a very old post and I have no clue if you get email notifications of new comments but you are far from the worst parent. My normally overly cautious husband tossed our 4 year old (who was 2 at the time) into the air, in a parking garage. He hit the concrete beam and split his head open to the bone, had 18 stitches. And while at Bed Bath and Beyond I was looking at some sheets in the Bed section with the littles in the cart and Jacob reached for something and toppled the whole cart knocking him and his sister to the ground. It does happen to everyone.
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