trey is often asked, "hey, how do you like kindergarten? how do you like your teacher." whenever this happens, i feel myself immediately become shy or ready to put up my walls of defense.
the truth about it is, that i am shy about homeschooling. i rarely ever talk about it to others. even to my own husband and close family. when you homeschool, people sometimes have issues with it. even friends who i see very often, and care about so much, won't ask how it is going and i don't bring it up.
the truth about it is, that i am shy about homeschooling. i rarely ever talk about it to others. even to my own husband and close family. when you homeschool, people sometimes have issues with it. even friends who i see very often, and care about so much, won't ask how it is going and i don't bring it up.
i remember last summer when it was coming time for trey to enter kindergarten. i started educating myself on all my options for schooling. i went around to schools in our area.
in my heart i knew i would homeschool; i just didn't want to admit.
i slowly started to collect supplies. i purchased some desks and painted them, telling myself, and my husband that they would just be fun desks for the kids to play & draw.
i prayed, pondered, and worried about my decision. then in the end, i did what i always do (i am learning this about myself) i went with the option that wasn't easy, the one that would make me stretch, the one that followed my heart.
that was to homeschool.
i remember talking with one of my good friends on the phone after i had made the decision.
she asked if trey was getting ready to go off to school. i told her i had decided to homeschool and went into a long explanation of why. she stopped me in my tracks by saying "tanya you don't have to defend yourself. i think it's wonderful!"
i was so relieved. a true friend. i had always known she was...i just forget for a second.
believe me, i have heard the warnings about how weird my kids will be, about how they won't be able to function in society.
i have also heard homeschooling parents talking about how terrible it is to send your kids to public school. they will be ruined for life!
i don't know everything about all of that, and i really don't think they do either.
i have also heard homeschooling parents talking about how terrible it is to send your kids to public school. they will be ruined for life!
i don't know everything about all of that, and i really don't think they do either.
here's what i know for sure:
i love spending time with these kids
trey is reading
math comes so naturally to trey and somehow it makes perfect sense in his mind
he is a class clown
his amazingly creative
he loves spending time with me
he is a great teacher to his sister
and all of this i know from our little kindergarten classroom at home.
so from now on, i will try to be a little less shy about what i am doing that i am loving so much.

trey and i have been going to the library while lucy is at preschool.
we brought this book home with us this week.

it's a fingerprint drawing book.

trey's favorites were the bats and skeletons of course!

here is lucy trying out fingerprinting for the first time.

she went straight for the yellow...

and made it into a sun.

trey made a fabulous witch.

the owl was my favorite.

homeschooling, public schooling, private schooling, what works for you and your kids.
Good for you! You obviously are an amazing mother and teacher, and really, you don't need to defend yourself. Lucky kids to have you care so much about them!
I've been following for quite a while and I gotta say, I LOVE this post! More power to you! I just barely had my first little one, so school is quite afar off in the distance, but I still think about homeschooling my little ones. Yeah there are those who spout off the negatives but I'm sure there are positives as well! Thanks for not being shy anymore and sharing this wonderful post!
Thanks for sharing your heart in this post. I love the pic of Trey and Lucy at their can see how much she looks up to big brother by how she is looking at him.
I think it's fabulous that you home school. I have a few friends who do it and I even sent the link to your post of the desks to one of them who LOVED it! I have always said I'd homeschool till my son/kids were 8yrs old. I think especially in the church 8 in an important year with getting baptised. He will understand accountability, hopefully make better choices of friends etc. I would attempt to homeschool further but the academic part of it really indimidates me. I am probably being to hard on myself. I mean I got great grades in school but it freaks me out beyond third grade! We'll see. Regardless, I say "You Go Girl!" and keep posting about it to help out us planning on doing it too!
I love Ed Emberley. I posted about him here:
Your kids are lucky to be in your class!
I admire you for making the decision to homeschool, your children are blessed to have a wonderful caring mother like you. I have until August 2011 to make a final decision, so hopefully I'll 'man-up' to the challenge by then.
ps - the fingerprint books were always in my library check out pile as a kid, certainly my favorite and I've had a blast showing my son how to create with them as well!
I LOVE that book!! how cute is that!!
I want to homeschool too but everyone is against it. Luckily I have about 4 years before I have to decide. ):
I think it's great the you home school! Nothing to be shy about. I have friends that home school their kids and both the kids and the parents benefit so much from it. So keep up the excellent work and do what is good for you and your kids. It's been fun connecting with bloggers like you out there. I'm also a Christian and love connecting with other Christian bloggers.
good for you! don't ever be ashamed or embarrassed. a lot of those people who are against homeschooling haven't had the chance to hear the words of our prophets and how they have warned us about how terrible things are going to get. Correct me if I'm wrong (I've only been a member for 4 years)
Good for you! You should be proud of what you know in your heart is the best thing for your family.
My best friend homeschools her children and so I've been able to see, firsthand, many of the benefits.
We thought about homeschooling, but in the end, it's just not right for our family, but I admire those that do it.
I am so glad that you shared this. I have been a follower of yours for a while now. I, too, am a homeschool mother. My son is in first grade. My daughter is only one-year-old, but I'd love to continue the tradition, with her, when it's time. Every time you post, I wonder how you're doing with it... if you are just loving it like me... if you are having some of the same struggles as I am... if, some days, you wonder if you can continue. It sounds like your experience is fabulous! Anyway, I've been, and most days still am, in your shoes. I answer the questions, but I don't offer much. I know that I know that the Lord has laid it on my heart to homeschool, but doubt creeps in and takes hold sometimes, especially, when my son is crying over a seatwork page. Would he do that in a regular classroom? I mean, I imagine peer pressure would be enough to nip it in the bud. Anyway, I'm rambling. The lack of support was, initially, outrageous, coming even from family members; but the more they see a good thing, the more they are won over... not that I need that. It just confirms that we followed our hearts despite the opposition. Thanks!
You should talk about it more often!!! I love this blog and somehow it makes me love it even more. I decided to homeschool long time ago. and my daugther isn't even 2 yet.
Glad you "came out of the closet" and shared with us! :)
Oh my gosh! My 3 girls are in their 20's but I STILL have two of those fingerprint books on my bookshelf! They are the coolest!
Homeschooling wasn't really "done" when my girls were growing up (although I'm sure there were some who were doing it) and, if I could do it again, I would probably give it a try. Reading about others' homeschooling adventures makes me smile.
Have a super fantastic week!
Leslie and the pugs
PS: Can they make a fingerprint pug? I bet it could be done! I'd love to see one! leslieavila311 at hotmail dot com
I am finishing my 13th yr HSing and can honestly say that I'm the total opposite of shy about it!
You are doing something I wish I could. Good for you and your family. Continued success and happiness.
I have thought about it, Asher is only 2 1/2, but I told my husband I will not work anymore once Asher enters school. It is my job and no one else's to help him with his homework:) I am seeking advice from a FIL, MIL, SIL and two of my aunts that are all teachers (most for at least 10 years) The big thing I worry about is the social aspect. My two kids are the only grandbabies, so there already isn't very much interaction with other kids. Because of this, nursey is a battle every week, with them thinking we are going to leave them. I guess I just need to pray about it and worry more when the time is closer.
I think you are doing a wonderful job!! Also, my son has all the Ed P. Finger books he LOVES them so much we always have fun when the whole fam sits down to make finger print drawings :)
I'm 27. I was homeschooled from 1st to 10th grade, then I went to a private school for 2 years. I went on to college & graduated with a traditional 4 yr degree. And I must say, I turned out fairly normal! ; ) Homeschooling was the choice growing up because of the very poor public school (at the time). Grad rates were horrible and there was a huge prob. with drug use there. So we stayed home! Got involved with a homeschool "co-op" with dozens of families, and socialized, had activities, etc. I especially loved the freedom that come with it-being able to set our own schedule, etc. People asking "why aren't you in school" in the middle of the day could get old....hahaha. And we could take vacation at random times, and not be limited to summer only. I feel I was very well rounded because I tried all sorts of things, from cooking to art to sports. Granted, homeschooling isn't for everyone. We saw the families that give homeschooling a bad name-from the weird clothing to being very socially awkward, etc. And we saw others who graduated ahead of time and went on to be very successful. I have an 8 mo. old now....I don't think homeschooling is in my future with her (God would have to change my heart!) but who knows....I'll never say never because that's when you get into trouble!
NEVER apologize about doing what you feel is the best thing for you and your kids! : ) Be proud of the homeschooling thing.
I think it's awesome that you are able and willing to homeschool. I know I simply could not do it, as I don't have the patience with with my *own* kids. And I'm a teacher. A special needs teacher, no less. And I know without a doubt it takes a special kind of Mom to homeschool. And as far as your kids being weird, I can tell you this: Owen is 9. He's always been in public school and he is, honestly, as weird as they come. Whether or not a kid is "weird" is not a function of where they go to school or who teaches them, but a function of their individual development-both their rate of development, and their own challenges. So, don't let anyone give you that line of hooey about homeschooling making your kids "weird". It just doesn't. (And you can tell 'em a teacher with a weird kid said so! :D)
goodness i just love reading your blog. and since we have decided to homeschool next year - kindergarten, i totally get this. it is hilarious/amazing/shocking how people react. and you are right you do what works for your family. there is no shame in loving your precious children enough to exercise your options and like you said, stretch and grow. i look forward to next year with great excitement. when they ask kadence about kindergarten "she says yes i am going and mommy is my teacha" woohoo.
go you! and thanks for sharing. your darling children are beyond lucky to have such a mommy.
I think it is great! As a mom of two little kids that haven't gotten to school age yet, I am considering all the possibilities and would LOVE to hear about what you are doing and how it is going, as much as you want to share it.
thanks for the cute idea. i think you're amazing! :)
I love those little finger print pictures! Sooo sweet.
I'm kind of a lurker, so I wanted to introduce myself. I'm in the process of starting a new blog about...housewives. What we do, in the home, to create, teach, edify, uplift and enrich. I would love to line up some guest posts, or even some team members. Would you like to pop in once (or occasionally?) to talk about such things? I think your view on homeschooling would be right up our alley!
That's a beautiful thing!
I have not homeschooled, but I'v been a bit envious of those who do. Part of me is a wannabee.
I'm tickled that it works for you!
There's NOTHING better than being a mom!
My decision to homeschool was before I was married. I was fortunate that my husband (who was homeschooled himself) wanted to as well.
We have our reasons for non-formally educating and it's not something I will defend unless it is challenged.
For now, while my kids are 5 & 4, we call it Freeschooling, or Lifeschool, but when they're older, they'll have a more formal education, just at home.
I feel incredibly blessed that I get to stay home with my kids, while they grow up and even more previleged that I get to give them their education at the same time.
Good luck with your homeschooling. Thanks for this post!
I so wanna hear more about your homeschooling! I am planning on homeschooling my kiddos so I am always on the look out for mamas that seem to do it well!
lots of comments, but I will add neighbor's home schooled and were so organized and often still working when I got home from school! There are pros and cons to both, but when it comes to moms that can pull it off, that is YOU!
I admire you so much for homeschooling. Good for you I say!
Be proud of who you are and who your kids are becoming. What an inspiring journey for your family! :)
Beautiful post. I'm struggling with the homeschool/private school issue for my kiddos. I have two years left hear what my heart tells me. I'm so glad homeschooling has been a successful and enjoyable venture for you and your family.
Thank you so much for this post.My oldest is 6 (I held him back), and my heart keeps going back and forth homeschool or public. and EVERYONE sure has their view. I know it is coming time for the final decision. Love reading your blog..
We tried homeschooling this year. I also got pregnant at the beginning of the year with our fourth. It was a rough go. It broke my heart, but I decided (after much prayer) to send him to school. I felt he needed to be there to be a good example and for other reasons I still can not comprehend. But after every weekend, it still kills me to send him off. He's a fabulous kid and I love him! I know in my heart he would have done just fine in either situation, but also knew that I couldn't give him everything he needed in my current situation. So there are moms out there who have tried it and love it and who have gotten all the same comments, but who will encourage and support you. Because it is awesome! And so are you! :)
Great post! We are in UK and dont homeschool - would love to but have to work to pay our mortgage! BUT we did send our son to a private school for a while as we felt the small class size would suit him - and I soooo empathise with what you say about being shy and having to defend your decision as it was the same here with the private schooling! I felt I always had to make sure no one was offended by us schooling out of the state system (I work in libraries and visit lots of schools which made it awkward sometimes when teachers asked where my boy went to school!!!). He has now moved into state schooling as he was becoming a big fish in a small pond and showing off in class etc - he has made the transition so well and we are so pleased - its the right thing at the right time for him. We dont regret either of our decisions and feel that both have been right for him at the stage of life he was at! Your children seem amazing and you are a credit to them as they are to you!!!
I think it's wonderful that you are homeschooling your children!! You are one strong woman for doing that, so don't feel the need to have to defend your choice!!;)
That fingerprint book is adorable, what a fun activity for kids!! And those desks are sooo cute!!
I am a school teacher and I completely agree that you have to do what is best for your child. Some kids thrive in public school. Some do really well in charter school, and some need to stay home. All children are different and they learn differently. Be proud of what you are teaching him and the fact that he enjoys being home with you! I think as long as you keep him up to speed on everything, he will be just fine. PS I am REALLY jealous of the desks you made!
I remember feeling that way's wonderfully liberating when that feeling is gone.
And they don't all turn out weird. My oldest is off to Wheaton on a full scholarship next year and my youngest runs a successful website, surfs and swims.
They both have very active social lives. I love homeschooling.
I have been homeschooling for over 6 yrs now and would not trade it for the world. Luckily I have not come across much opposition about it and have had a lot of positive feedback. Good for you for following your heart and don't be shy about it. It is a great thing.
My theory is, every parent knows their child. No one knows them better. You do what is best for your children because that is our number one job. I'm in awe of your courage. I too am very shy at times when making decisions for my children that may cause people to judge. This posts gives me the strength to hold my ground! Kudos to you!
I LOVE ed emberly's books!! We used to check them out from the library all the time when I was much younger. He has so many - they were my favorite. I even bought some years ago, when the library had it's book sale. He has many more, and they are based on colors too. Great way to encourage creativity!
I just requested that book at our library. How fun & cute is that. I can't wait until it gets in & we can try it out!
On the home schooling have to do what is best for your kids! Sometimes people need to keep their thoughts & opinions to themselves!!! My son is in Kindergarten at a public school, but that was what was best for our family. I do make sure to volunteer & support the school & his class as much as I can! Be proud of your decision.
I would like to home school but I am worried if I will actually do it. I used to be a 6th grade teacher before I had kids. There are some amazing teachers out there but they ask teachers to do so much that it's really a challenge to reach each child. I think homeschooling is wonderful and I don't think kids are weird from it. They will learn social skills by being and working in a family, attending church, participating in extracurricular activities, and having friends. True, I saw growth with my students by the end of the year but the shy kids stayed shy and the outgoing usually stayed outgoing. You are doing a great thing. Besides maybe when they get older they will go to public schools but at least you have given them a chance to become strong.
You are a hell of a woman, but you already know I think that. :)
I absolutely love your blog. Your kids are adorable!
Over at mine I'm doing a giveaway and would love some help getting the word out. I don't have any followers but I'm itching to give something away! If you could help that'd be great!
what pam said :) .. .after this week's conference i'm not far behind in wanting to make that decision .. then again i should probably wait till rose is of age!
Honestly, I admire you. I have always thought that I wouldn't mentally be up to homeschooling. I'm not sure I have the brain and backbone for it. I, too, have heard both arguments about public schooling vs. homeschooling. I think as more people choose to homeschool, kids won't encounter the same issues that others have in the past. All that aside, if this is what feels right for you and your children, then don't be shy, be happy and know that there are some people out there that wish they could do the same.
Hey Girlie!!
You GO, girl! I am currently a 5th grade teacher. Growing up, my mom homeschooled some of my 5 brothers and sisters (and me).....depending on needs. I was homeschooled during Junior High - 8th and 9th grade. I was pretty traumatized in 7th grade after witnessing another 7th grader being shoved into a locker by some bullies...thus my decision to homeschool for the next two years.
The 4 oldest kids in my fam (including me) only homeschooled for part of our education, but my two younger brothers homeschooled K-12, went onto college, served missions for our church, and are now finishing out their education at some great universities. They are BOTH extremely well-rounded and very popular with their peers.
I know one of the concerns with homeschooling is the social aspect. BUT - that was easily solved in our case. My mom started up a homeschooling group (after networking with a TON of other moms in town who were also homeschooling) and we got together 2-3 times a week to do ALL sorts of activities! We had drama classes, music classes, English classes, a Yearbook club, etc. You name it and we did it! The moms figured out our interests and then took turns being in charge of the classes and teaching them.
I also played basketball and went to seminary at the public middle school....but just did the academics at home. Keep it up, my dear! You are a darling mom....and it looks like you are also a GREAT teacher! :)
Thank you for sharing this book. My oldest will be starting kindergarten this fall & I will be homeschooling as well. I am going out to get this book! Fun! Thanks again!
People need to get over their aversion to homeschooling. Your kids wont turn out socially weird unless you are! I want to homeschool as well & whenever I mention it people freak out! I'm happy you addressed this subject. Good for you- maybe others can see how great it is and won't be so judgemental. Thanks!
I know exactly how you feel. My kids are not in 2nd grade and kindergarten and we've been homeschooling since the beginning. Our families think we are crazy, so do some friends. We just keep it on the down low and have fun.
I'm fairly new to your blog (love the craft ideas!!), but speaking as a teacher, I applaud your decision to homeschool. Of course there are arguments for and against, but you know your child, and you know what will work. Also, you don't have to worry about your child being "socially awkward" or anything like that. There are so many great programs for homeschooled children to interact with other homeschooled children as well as public school children. If you haven't already, I would urge you to check them out. I think they are usually called Enrichment Programs. I worked at one for a year, and I loved it. If you want some more info. on them, you can email me at tynkerbelle (at) gmail (dot) com. Good luck! I think it is great!
What a cute book!
And what a cute mom!
And what cute kids!
How many exclamation points can I put in this comment?!
Hi -You dont know me but I have been following your blog for awhile now! I love all that you do for your kids and you can tell what is important to you and them. I have to say I understand and know exactly what you mean about all others reactions to homeschooling - I was homeschooled myself and had to deal with a lot of questions etc. However, I think it is the most wonderful blessing that I was. My mother died early (51) - had I not homeschooled or a member of the church this would have been even more difficult for me to handle. I love the fact that I spent so much special time with my mother learning. Gospel study and scripture study were part of our everyday curriculum which has been a wonderful blessing in my life and I am not sure I would have had the time to include so much of that in my everyday life had I gone back to public school . Anyway I love your posts and reading about your homeschooling. I have been trying to get myself to not react defensively with my friends about homeschool either. I have a 3 year old boy and a 2 year old girl whom I will homeschool and I am trying to remind myself that it isn’t for everyone, but it is for me and mine!
My mother wrote a book: The Eternal Harvest – an LDS perspective on homeschooling
just if your interested. Thanks for you inspiring posts!
Thank you for this post. My oldest is to start kindergarten in the fall, and though I think we will give it a try, I also have a strong interest in learning more about homeschooling.
This post made me cry. I have a 7 month old and I know school is so far off, but I have been fighting with my heart on schooling, (my heart telling me that I just might home school someday). I just know exactly what you are talking about whenever I talk about it or mention it, it gets shot down, with how weird my son will end up or how he'll never socialize or how I don't have a teaching degree so what right do I have to even consider it. :( I so appreciate this post more than you know. It has lifted my spirits so much! What a good selfless act you are doing for your children.
Everything you think about schooling changes when it's your own children. It won't be long and I'll be making that decision. Good for you for taking on such a big task.
lovely games!
i follow you!
DO you use the K12 Curriculum?
I am a teacher for UTVA. Found your cute blog. Love your crafts, etc. I teach for an online school. Our families do school at home, as well, but they also have an awesome curriulum to follow, a teacher, outings, etc. Go to
I love that you homeschool. A lot of people have been asking me about it recently because I was homeschooled most of the time, with the execption of part time Jr. High, and full time high school. But as a kid my Mom took on the responsibility. It's so funny because people always say "You were homeschooled? Really? I wouldn't have thought, 'cause you turned out normal." Hahaha! There were times when we'd go to a homeschooling group like once a month, and most of those kids were kinda weird. It's true. But they also reminded me of some weird friends I had growing up who went to public school, and I think if they had done either they would've been kinda weird 'cause it's just how their family was, not because of being homeschoooled. And there's so many ways for your kids to have friends still, they don't have to go to school to find friends and be social.
Even though my baby isn't even one yet, I'm thinking about it too. I just don't like what they learn at such a young age at school (usually from other kids). We'll see. Good for you, I love the idea!
can i just say how much i loved this post?
well, i did.
i know exactly what you are talking about, with feeling like you've got to defend your decisions. i had a homebirth - definitely have felt defensive on that one with all of the negativity i got!
your words remind me that i don't have to defend my choices that have been guided and made with the help of Heavenly Father.
i almost felt like i wrote this post, because i have not made a decision yet, but i too feel in my heart that i will homeschool my kids (a boy, 2 years and a girl, 3 months). i know there will be a lot of opposition, but i love hearing the other side. so, please, if you feel inclined to share, i would LOVE to hear i can see myself in your shoes in 3 years!
thank you for being courageous and sharing what you love.
Wow - awesome response! I started HS'ing this year and also find myself on the defensive when talking to others. If you have time to check out my blog I posted about a HS conference I went to and there's a hilarious cartoon a fellow HS mom would probably enjoy. :) Happy schoolin'!
I think that we all need to do what's best for us. Good for you in choosing and doing what was best for your family! Your kids are lucky to have a MOM like you3
As a mom of six, who currently homeschools three (soon 4) of them, I can verify that it can be done. We use k12 curriculum ( through a state funded charter school in our state. It's kind of the best of both worlds. We have a teacher to help us if we get stuck, but we get to do school at home for free. You can check out their site to see free lesson samples and if they offer it in your area.
I just found your blog and this post made me happy. I was home schooled by my mom up until high school. My mom didn't have a college degree but she learned what she needed to teach us and I don't consider myself weird. I loved being home with my other two younger siblings. Good for you; I don't have kids yet but it is constantly on my mind whether I'm going to home school. Thanks for inspiring me.
My mom is always talking about how they'll need to pick up Cady from school once she starts. They've assumed #1: That I'm going to stop being a stay at home mom and start working and #2: That she'll be going to public school (fair enough assumption). I honestly don't think any of my friends or family will support our decision to homeschool Cadence one day, so I haven't told people besides my blog friends (who can be more accepting and have more in common with you sometimes than the people you grew up with). A lot has changed and the people that I have known for a very long time don't share the same values that we do anymore as we've grown in different directions. Because I don't want to have to defend myself, I don't tell people our plans. I know we will have to deal with it when the time comes (luckily we have a few years), but I'm not looking forward to it. My parents have always been very critical, and I look forward to telling them the least.
There was no such thing as homeschooling when I was growing up. I wish there were, though. I just don't think I would of wanted MY parents leading it for me! I'd gladly let you teach me, though! LOL
Kudos to you! We've been trying to decide whether or not to homeschool our children, we'd be jumping in with a 5th grader, Kindergartener and preschooler next school year and that's a big leap from where we are now. None of my family is supportive, my husband is on the fence but would totally back me up if I told him I'm sure that is what is best for our kids and I have some very close friends who homeschool their kids, one of whom has 6 children. It's hard to face the critics on either side. Your children are lucky to have that time with you and it's so amazing to see them learning so much and know that you have a direct hand in what they learn and how they learn it.
Schooling is such a personal decision. We've done it all - public, private, charter, and homeschool. You make the decision that's best for your family and you don't have to defend it. Enjoy your time with those sweet little ones.
I think it is great that you are homeschooling. You shouldn't have any problems with social issues if you keep them involved in social places like church, sports, pools, etc. We have a huge homeschool association where we live and they offer homeschool sports, and co ops. It is a great way to get your children involved with other children. I hope it goes well for you. In the short and long run you will be glad that you did.
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