remember growing up how there was always "that home" where everyone wanted to go hangout?
when i started having kids i realized how much i wanted my home to be "that home."
here is my house today...
when i started having kids i realized how much i wanted my home to be "that home."
here is my house today...

so far so good!

should i be worried that it feels so right to me to have so many kids in my house all at once?

My moms house was that house growing up and I hope that I can be that house too. I want to be as wonderful as my mom was with all of our friends, she fed them and made them all feel welcome. I don't think it's wrong at all to love having all those kids in your house..I hope kids are always in my house! Seriously, could you be anymore adorable??
If you feed them, they will come.
so fun!
if you feed them, they will come - that is hilarious!
you totally would be "that house". you put all us other moms to shame when it comes to cool.
i love this post! that is exactly how I have always wanted to be!! that is so special! glad you blogged about it!
Lovely! Yep I try and make my house THAT house - especially since I have only one child. Hmmmm - yep, I DO feed em!
What else do you do other than feed them? When I was little "that house" was the "rich" girls house and every one wanted to be there cause she had all the new and cool toys. But that is not the way I would want to draw others. Any suggestions?
I love how even the youngest kids throw peace signs in pictures. So cute! Your kids have the coolest mom.
That's awesome! I totally know what you mean, I want my house to be 'the hangout house' too. Plus, it's easier to know what your kids are up to, and who their friends are that way. :D
That's awesome! I totally know what you mean, I want my house to be 'the hangout house' too. Plus, it's easier to know what your kids are up to, and who their friends are that way. :D
You are so lucky! I always wanted that for my kids, but I have to take care of my mom. We can't really have anyone over at all. My kids get so bummed about it, which makes me even more sad. Good for you for having that home!!!
I always wanted to have THAT house too...I love nothing more than to have a houseful of people!
Check out my blog to see cute pics of the headbands I made with your awesome tutorial!!
(I deleted my last post because I had misspelled a word and couldn't edit annoyed me so I just deleted and retyped it! :)
President Hinckley said "Parents, open your cupboards and shut your eyes".
and you love all those kids!:)
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