and she is as precious and as perfect as she can be...

i might just make her one of these...

she would definitely need little silk roses...

and pleated puffy sleeves...

she would not be able to live without pin tucks and dotted Swiss trim...

and i could not resist embellishing those silk roses with sweet little pearls and crystals right in the center...

i love you ruby!
i hope your blessing day is as perfect as you are.
I still love it! She will too!
Oh so beautiful. I've been looking for blessing dress patterns but have had bad luck. Did you make this from a pattern?
WOW! Absolutely beautiful! Both baby and dress. Thanks for sharing this!
Tanya, you are so talented. What a beautiful dress for a really special day:)
this is gorgeous! You should seriously consider making and selling these. When my day comes along to have a baby- I'd want her blessing dress to be as precious as this!
I love your idea. My mom has saved my blessing dress and her and I have discussed having my baby wear it, too. But I kind of still want to make one.
So beautiful, what a precious dress & niece! You are so super talented!
I never thought pictures of a dress could somehow be as beautiful as a perfect little girl but oh, t., they are!
And is it even more amazingly beautiful in real life. I cry every time I think about it. You are AMAZING.
Ruby is so lucky to have such a talented family.
darn that chelsea. beat me to the dress.
How did you make your beautiful rossettes!? I am making some right now using this this how you made yours?
I see a future Tanya tutorial?! ;)
Thanks for sharing!
yes karen that is exactly how i made them! except that i hand sewed them because i didn't want hot glue on the dress :o)
I'm really impressed that you made that! It's beautiful. (I'm a friend of Chelsea's, by the way).
She really did look so lovely in it. I am impressed with your talent.
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