this past weekend these two fought from from sunrise to sunset. i was thinking that i was probably the most terrible mother on the face of this planet. what was i thinking having these kids so close together!? by sunday afternoon when i was just about ready to throw my hands up in the air and run screaming down our street.
i looked out into our backyard to see this...

lucy had asked if she could have a picnic. i set up a blanket and her dinner outside. when i looked outside trey had joined her.

they were playing, laughing, and loving every minute of each other.

"good job trey," i heard lucy saying.
"ohhhhh that's pretty lucy," trey returned her compliment.

these are the little moments that a mom lives for. i realized in that little moment that even though i often feel like i am failing in so many ways, that i really must be doing something right.
Oh man that is so sweet. Thomas and Grace are that close, so I feel ya on wondering what I was thinking sometimes, but it is good to know they'll be buds one day:-) Maybe?
You are doing lots of things right!
Love those two!
SO TRUE! I love the boarders around the do you do it?
Oh, this is SO SWEET! I have a boy and a girl, too. Now they are 14 and 12 and they don't always show it, but yes, we are doing something right -- by the grace of God!
I know we have all been there...And I hate to tell you but it kinda gets worse the older they get!! Colton and Bailey used to love each other, not so much all the time anymore.....But we still have fun little moments and that really is the stuff we remember anyway.....I know because my mom says things and I think to myself..ummm, you just blocked it out to help with the whole keeping your sanity thing.... ;) You are a great mamma!!
I have 13 month old twins, and I hope they'll get along most of the time when they get older.
I think we have all thought that we weren't doing things right at one point or another. However, it is moments like you just described that make it all worthwhile. I am sure you are doing a great job.
so sweet! i love these pictures. there are some pictures of my brother that are similar, though the rumor is, we were quite the quarrelers. you have proof now, that they did have their moments!
love what you're doing in photoshop these days. wish i was there so you could teach me.
miss ya.
I'm right there with you! These two are killing us! I completely understand the feeling of wanting to run down the street screaming...It's good to know that others feel that way also! Those sweet moments are the only things getting us through this! Thanks for the post! Shane and I have been trying to remind ourselves that this is what brothers *& sisters do...fight & bug each's supposed to be normal...right???
You do oh so many things right. Those pics are beautiful!
just keep showing them the pictures and maybe they'll realize how much they really do love each other. they are so cute and i CANNOT believe how much lucy looks like a big girl. what's up with that?! so does she sort of resemble marge these days? like a big girl marge? maybe still a little girl tanya? miss you!
You take the most incredible pictures. You are so talented and not to mention have some of the most beautiful kids I have ever seen. I miss you. I am moving to Yakima Washington next year in May. I want to come see you so badly.
that is really cute. i always feel guilty when those kind of things happen and i've been feeling so on edge
our two are 26 mos. apart, one boy, one girl. jake and chloe are friends. mostly they try to outsmart each other (nearly 9, and 11)...
i don't have any magic words or tricks for you, but you are already doing a good job, and so just keep up the good work.
my neighbor has 3 boys and 1 girl. her husband told her that if the boys were all alive at the end of each day, that she had done a good job!
Your kids are so beautiful!
Hi, I got here by way of Kelly Munns blog. I just have to say that this post was just what I needed today...well, the past two weeks. Mine are 13 months apart (1 & 2 right now) and have just started fighting. Been feeling a little defeated lately so thanks for your post!
A moment when you know you, as a Mom, are doing something right! Cute kids.
I myself have a two years younger brother and I am almost 15 so we are still very much living too close for our liking most of the time. My mum, were she sat with me, would be agreeing whole-heartedly with every word you say. Good luck to you, I am afraid to say that me and my brother seem to have got progessivley worse :S
Gorgeous kids and gorgeous photos. Quick Q...where do you do your photo editing? love how they look.
Can I ask?? How do you make the photo's look old? Do you do it in photoshop or is it on the camera? I love them!
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