Tuesday, September 20, 2011

she is here...

it all started with a day at the beach...

the forecast said close to 100.
the thought of being stuck at home without central air was too much for me to handle.
i told my husband we were taking the 1 1/2 hour drive to the beach where it was supposed to be 20 degrees cooler.

 we were driving when i started to have some pretty strong contractions.  my husband stopped the car to turn around.
i had been having strong contractions for a couple of weeks,  figured it wasn't a big deal, and told him to keep driving.

keep in mind i have never gone into labor on my own before so had no clue what to expect!

the beach was perfect.  lucy shared her stash of suckers from wholefoods with me...

and posed for lots of pictures.

(my husband and I laughed for awhile abut this picture.  she was trying to put her hands on her waist but aimed a little high :o)

my husband and son trey skim boarded...

trey crashed big time and was a little down about it...

so my husband drew a football field in the sand and played the best game of football i have ever watched!

touch down :o)

family photo.

we headed home from the beach the the contractions were still coming but not regularly at all.

my husband had an obligation to take care of at the church, and i didn't want to think anymore about how i was probably just having false labor, so i told the kids to go get their swimsuits on, that we were going swimming!

we drove to the pool only to find out it was closed for maintenance.
so we headed to wal-mart to get some groceries instead.

it was in salsa isle that i found myself barely able to stand through my contractions as i propped myself up against the shelves.

i had a cart full of groceries and my two kids with me.
we were in the check-out line when i got hit by another contraction...

the lady checking me out turned white and said "do you need to call someone?"

"you know what?"  I said, "i think i am about to have a baby...could you please hurry?"

the kids helped me load the groceries in the car and we headed home.

i met my husband at home, we dropped the kids off with our friends, and headed to the hospital.

on the way to the hospital i was so worried that i was in false labor, that they would just send me home...the thought of it was so unbearable because the contractions were really painful.

here i am about to get checked to see if i am in false labor or not...yes still wearing my swimsuit :o)  i did not even think to change.

when the nurse said i was dilated to a 7 i could not believe it!
i remember my husband shhhhing me after i responded to the nurse with "holy cow are you kidding me!?"  

a few hours later we met our little girl!
we will never be the same.

our family of 5.
i love that there are 5 of us now :o)

the girls.

my husband is honestly the best dad.  he loves our kids and love snuggling this baby.

a friend brought me these pink roses and they smelled so wonderful.

she is perfect.

we are completely smitten by this baby.
it is the most wonderful feeling. 


  1. Beautiful! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats!!! You look so beautiful after having a baby! I hope I'm that cute after labor!

  3. Congratulations! She's adorable!

  4. congrats momma! you look radiant in the pictures. you made it, you survived and your sweet little girl will be so worth it. enjoy your gift!

  5. Congrats!! She is adorable :) I once delivered my sisters baby in her home because of the same kind of situation. So glad you made it to the hospital and weren't sent home!!

    Kim :)

  6. Congrats! Your family is beautiful! But, what's her name??

  7. Yes yes yes yes! Sooo happy to see all went well and you survived pregnancy! There IS hope! Beautiful babe, can't wait to join you in postpartum land in a few weeks!!!

  8. Congratulations! I've been a reader for ages, but haven't commented before (I dont think). Being a family of five is wonderful. Our third came much the same way yours did. I was induced previously so I didn't really know what labor was going to feel like when it came on it's own, lol. We were doing all sorts of things that day!

    She's adorable. And so precious with her tiny little bow. ;)

  9. congratulations!!!!
    the pics are great!
    But what is her name??? :)

  10. Congratulations!!! She's absolutely adorable!

  11. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Goodness, she is SO beautiful!!!

  12. Congratulations! She is gorgeous!

  13. she is a beautiful addition to your family! I am sure all the suffering you did with the pregnancy is well worth it now :)

  14. Congratulations! You were tiny! And radiant after giving birth! What is her name?

  15. Yay! She is beautiful. I was laughing about you being at the hospital in your swim suit! So happy for you all! I'm sure Trey and Lucy are loving her! Can't wait to see more of her!

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful, as is your family.

  17. She is beautiful! I love that last picture! You're such an inspiration to me!

  18. Wow, what an amazing day! congrats!

  19. You are pretty much a rock star in my books being able to go to the beach and then swimming/grocery shopping while in labor, even if you didn't know it was real!!! haha. She is beautiful!!! Congrats!

  20. She is gorgeous! Congratulations. :)

  21. congratulations, such a beautiful family.
    you don't know me but I love your blog, been following you for some time now, I think since you made your big mustard yellow flower some time ago

  22. I'm so happy for you and your family. That's a great birth story, and I'm glad it all turned out well. She's beautiful, and you looked so amazing in those pictures for having just had a baby. Enjoy your new addition. My baby is 5 months old now, and it goes by way too quickly.

  23. Oh, my heck. She is so beautiful. YOU are so beautiful. I can't get over it. I bet you totally made that check-out-person's day by giving them the best story to tell fellow employees.

    I am just so excited for you.

    And the family picture at the hospital is a gem! A million congratulations!

  24. So amazing...congratulations!! You look awesome, everyone looks so happy and that baby is beautiful. :-)

  25. Oh Tanya, I'm so glad she's finally in your arms. Congratulations. Holding your own little newborn straight from heaven is definitely one of life's most cherished moments.

  26. I LOVE it! I'm so happy for you! You look beautiful after having a baby...lucky! How fun that there are 5 of you now. The kids looks so excited to have a baby!

  27. congrads! She is beautiful and so are you!

  28. Congratulations, you have such a beautiful family!

  29. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Didn't those roses smell amazing?! I love that you loved them! And I have to say that you are just glowing! You are a beautiful mama! Please let me know if you need anything, k? Your new little lady is just beautiful!

  30. She is adorable! What an awesome birth story. Such a fun day to tell her about when she is older.

  31. She is beautiful! Congrats! You look amazing by the way for just having a baby!! So obviously you had her "naturally"? SInce ya'll barely made it to the hospital?

  32. What a hilarious story! I love it! And my goodness you are just gorgeous! Always have been! Lucky little girl to come to your family. :)

  33. you're so funny. you will never look at salsa the same! i love that pic of trey being down about his biff...and the last one with you and charlie (it just came out, i'll change it if you hate it) melts my heart. you are so beautiful. what a lucky, lucky baby!

  34. OK. I'm ready. Pass her to Aunt Choody! I pray everyday that I won't get a cold so that I can hold that sweet little bundle.

  35. Congratulations on you beautiful baby girl! She makes all the sickness worth it, huh!

  36. She is beautiful! Congratulations!!!

  37. okay...I'm adding to the mirads or comments, but I LOVE the 2nd one from the bottom.

    You are glowing...and so happy and I love it.

    Great pictures and story.

  38. Oh my gaaaaaaaaaaash. I'm totally crying right now. Most beautiful little family ever! I just love you, Tanya! Congratulations a million hajillion times.

  39. Congratulations! It's so gratifying, after just aching for you when you told us about being bedridden and on IVs and all that horror, to see the end result and that you made it through such a hard time :)

  40. So glad she made it here. I have been worried about you!

  41. hey Tania, let me congratulate you because you have an adorable family, your children are so cute and your husband seems to be a nice guy, I wish I could have that one day and also have viagra online of course!
