Thursday, June 02, 2011

an ultrasound to remember

these last 6 months have been tough on our little family.
from me being sick from the pregnancy, to my husband working 60 plus hours a week, and with him traveling.

i am very lucky to have a husband who is a very busy hardworking man.
so, i made sure to schedule my ultrasound later in the day hoping he wouldn't end up missing it!

trey, lucy, my sister emily, and i were waiting at the doctors office on the second floor of the building.
it was time for my appointment, the ultrasound tech was going to call us any second, and my husband was nowhere to be seen!

he had never been to the doctors office, it is kind of hard to find, so i was worried.

we were all perched next to the windows facing the parking lot to see if we could see him driving up.
finally we see his car race in...he jumps out...

and just watch the video to see what happens next...

trey thought it was the funniest thing to see his dad sprinting from his car, through the parking lot, and into the building.  we were all getting a kick out of it really.
except for lucy that is...she does not like it when people laugh at other people :o)

while my husband was coming up the elevators to the second floor, the ultrasound tech calls us back.
i run over to her and ask if we can wait just one second for my husband. 

this place is like a maze of ultrasound rooms, and i knew it would be hard to find us if he missed us. 
 right then the elevator doors open and all is well.

so i think...

we get into the ultrasound room, i am laying on the bed, and the ultrasound is just starting when i look over at my husband and he mouths the words "i really have to pee."

i have had enough of his shenanigans by now and pretend i have no clue what he is saying so we can proceed. :o)

after just a few minutes, we find out we are having a girl!

(i really just think she is the cutest thing i have ever seen!)

i then give him the go ahead to leave for the restroom.
after about 20 minutes the ultrasound tech comments on if he is ok or not.
i say "he is probably just lost out there trying to find the room we are in."

sure enough, with only a few minutes left in the ultrasound, my husband finally finds us with a story to tell about how he walked in on a women having an ultrasound who was not his wife! ha!

he eventually went to the front desk and received directions on how to find his wife and family.

it made for an eventful and unforgettable ultrasound :o)
i was really just glad my husband made it and all was well with our sweet little princess!

now it's time to really start thinking about a name for this little darlin'.



  1. Great story, you will definitely be telling that one to your new little girl... probably for her whole life :) Glad to hear everything is going well for your family.

  2. Hahaha, that was a great story! I was laughing watching the video too! Congrats on finding out you are having a girl! My baby (well, 15-monther) still smiles SO big whenever I show him your picture! It's so cute! (I'm the one who sent you the email like 8 months ago or so showing him smiling at your pic).

  3. love this story. And now you have it documented for retelling years from now. congrats on the beautiful new bundle of joy.

  4. Oh congrats!!! And I have to say, Lucy sure looks a bit like Margo in that video??

  5. Such a cute story :) Congratulations on another beautiful addition to your family. I think she's pretty cute already too!

  6. YAY, a post from you! Congrats on expecting another sweet baby girl. Great story :)

  7. Funny story. Congrats on another girl! We go in today for my 19 week ultrasound, but we're not finding out what we're having. This will be our 3rd time do that and it drives everyone crazy. :)

  8. Congratulations on the little girl. Looking forward to seeing you this summer!

  9. Oh congratulations! I'm sorry it's been such a rough road, but I'm so excited for you to have another sweet darling in your family. :)

  10. Such a fun story! Congrats on having another little girl! I'm pregnant and just over 12 weeks. I have 2 boys and am really hoping for a girl this time. Girls are just so fun to dress! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and you feel better each day.

  11. hahaha. love it! I am laughing and clapping about a baby girl!! So excited for you T!
    oh, and miss jenna has the same shirt Lucy is sporting...such style.

  12. ooooh, that's a great ultrasound!! she looks so cute!

  13. That is the best video ever. I watched it 3 times already.

  14. Haha! How fun that baby #3 will have a memorable story about when you were pregnant with her. Congratulations on another girl! I am also a momma who has HORRIBLE pregnancies filled with non-stop vomiting and iv's so I know how wonderful it can feel to finally have some FUN news in a pregnancy. I pray you continue to feel better <3

  15. Very Funny! Miles said Lucy looks like Margo and Trey laughs sounds like Margo?

    Miles ALWAYS forgets what room we are in at the hospital. This last time. when I had Reef Miles left the room, when he came back he was confused what room was ours and started to walk into a room until he heard a women in labor. thank goodness for those privacy curtains :)

  16. That is one funny story!! Congrats on a baby girl!!

  17. So funny! And congratulations! I can't wait to see this cute little baby girl!

  18. Beautiful! How wonderful to see her - and for you to share her with us too! Thats two I have seen today!


  19. eeeeek!!!!! another little pretty!!! i can't wait. so happy for you.

  20. oh my little lucy! she is so funny!!!! miss you guys!!! and miss trey's laugh!

  21. Congratulations! I love checking your blog and seeing when you have new posts. It's funny how you feel like you almost know someone, but you've never really met them. (Oh, I hope that didn't sound too creepy)

  22. Congratulations! Hope you feel much better now. We have miss you here in blogland last months.

  23. yay for little girls!! I laughed super hard at the thought of Travis walking in on some other lady... hilarious!! Glad you are feeling a little better. I've missed you!

  24. Congratulations Tanya! We are excited for you and hope you will continue to feel well! Take care!

  25. Congratulations Tanya! You are a sweet mom and she is a lucky little princess to be joining your family!

  26. So awesome! The story and news of your healthy baby girl are both great! We find out in three weeks, and I know if you survived 6 months, we can too! :)

  27. Oh, Lucy. I've missed your sass. :) That video made my day! I hope everything going well over there.

  28. congratulations!!!!!

  29. Awwwww... Congrats! Now you can make the hanker-chief dress you posted almost a year ago to the day of this post!>>>>>>
    I actually picked up some old scarfs and hanker-chiefs a few weeks ago to make the dress. I have yet to make it yet! :^P

  30. Congratulations on a girl! I love that your husband was running when he got out of the car- so great that he was trying so hard! Continued best wishes to you hon! :)

  31. I'm so excited for your family! yay another girl. I hope I get one someday :) It was fun watching your video :), travis looks slimmer, maybe I just haven't seen you all for awhile.

  32. What a funny story! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure she's going to be just as adorable as Lucy : )

  33. Congrats! It's been a while since I've checked in. So excited for you. Can you imagine being the woman getting the ultrasound and a strange man walks in the room?! Great story!

  34. Hilarious!! Run Travis, Run!!

  35. happy late congrats on finding out what you are having. I haven't been on your blog in a while and then for some reason your popped into my head so I decided to check on ya. Glad everything is going good with the pregnancy now and that you're almost there :)

  36. Darla. :) seems like the perfect name!!!

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