Wednesday, July 28, 2010

doily wall art/a wreath around the clock

trey boy is sitting on the floor next to me with

48 g.i. joes waiting for me to play with him as i type.

this will have to be fast!

i had a bare wall...

it had a red clock hanging on it and that's it...

so i went to the garage and found these wood blocks i have had in my garage for a year!

i had bought a long piece of wood at home depot...had them cut it into pieces...they will do this for $1 a cut i think.

then i sanded them down and painted them with some brown paint mixed with water so it was more like a stain.

then i taped them off with blue painters tape,

spray painted one color and waited for it to dry,

lightly glued around the edges of some paper doilies with a glue stick,

sprayed another color on top, and peeled the doily off.

then when the paint was dry...i roughened them up with sand paper to make them look worn.

i love how they turned out! so fast and easy! the kids helped!

when i was finished i hung them up. the wall needed a little something more. so i hung the clock back up. still i needed more.

i found this wreath in my garage and it fit perfectly around the wreath!

i have decided we should all be putting wreaths around our clocks!

holy cute!

it goes perfectly next to my dining room wall!

now go get some doilies, wood blocks, a glue stick, some sand paper, and make yourself some doily wall art!



  1. are so creative... I keep coming back to your blog to think of ideas for my new, empty, bare-walled house! THANKS!

  2. Sooo cute! I love it. I wanna go get me some wood and doilys right now! :)

  3. I love using wood as my "canvas!" Great idea with using the doilies!! The colors are so light and fun.


  4. i want to come shop around in your garage!

  5. Your so crafty! I love it and the colors you used!

  6. you. never. cease. to amaze me. Oh, and I want to know what color your poop is.

  7. It's gorgeous! Man, I wish I had a lick of creativity in me!

  8. How clever! I love the look!

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I love the colors that you used!

  10. These are so cute - I would love them in my daughters' room!

  11. I love this! I think I'm going to go out and try it this weekend. Our kitchen wall has been bare, and unbearable! This is a great idea. Thanks!

  12. very nice idea.. i love it.. :)

  13. Anonymous5:07 AM

    i like your red clock... I'm not even a father and I work in Buy Viagra shops, but recently i get fired for low selling, I'm not a real seller but well when I'm at home and have nothing to do my imagination start to work and i clean, make up something but well.

  14. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Really amazing post! So simple and yet turned into something so beautiful and creative, we absolutely love it! Thank you so for your creativity Home For Handmade
