Saturday, January 24, 2009

what i've been up to today

So a few months ago my sister-in-law Stephanie (aka Stooph) sent me a photo of the most adorable red cape. She asked me if I would make it for her for her Birthday...and if I did it could be my present to her for the next 30 Birthdays.

I said "now that's a deal!"

It's not done, but it is sure close! Travis was very nice to watch the kids today while I worked.

Stephanie has a really fun style so I was excited to give something like this a try.

Check out that super sassy lining she choose. Love it Stooph!

*Get ready because I am going to have some fun and easy sewing projects coming up!


  1. you will never cease to amaze me :)

  2. Yes! I love it. And it will look so good on her!

  3. OH, I am ready. And so is my machine.

    Have I mentioned that you are pretty much the coolest person ever?

    I didn't?


    Because you are.

  4. The truth of the matter is: when you've got it, you've got it and really... I think you've got it!
    Love the cape, can't wait to see the finished product (on said Stooph) AND I am TRES excited about the 'easy' sewing projects.. although I am wondering if your "easy" and my "easy" are in the same dictionary!!

  5. Let's keep Trav watching those kids and keep these sewing masterpieces coming!!:)
    You're an inspiration.

    PS I lost my cell phone...

  6. Again, amazing!!!! it looks like it is going to be cute and look extra good on Steph! Now that picture was patten right??? YOu didn't just whip it up on your own did you?? Because then you would really be my offical new hero!!! Actually you are my hero anyway.

  7. i don't know who stoop is but i love her fabric choices-way sassy! you just have one amazing project after another . .i'm excited for the other so called "easy" patterns! sewing machine is out, and i ain't leavin the house so bring it on! :)

  8. oh boy! the picture from travis' phone didn't do it justice. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Tanya, You are so talented!! What a beautiful cape.

  10. That is so awesome, what a cool present. I LOVE the lining. Hope you don't mind a shout out to you on my blog. Got your package and LOVED IT! Thanks, your so sweet.

  11. Aaaaah!!!! I am soooooooo happy right now tanya! Thank you so much for so incredibly thoughtful!! That was so sweet and I love, love, LOVE it!!

  12. You are just too amazing! Where did Travis find you? He is one lucky guy!
